Expedition Dispatches

Expedition Dispatches

Join the odyssey in a real-time spectacle of endurance, a testament to humanity's dance with our resplendent planet.

Live from The Nanook

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The Journal

Daily logs and observations from the dedicated crew aboard The Nanook provide a captivating glimpse into their journeys as they venture into the most remote territories of our planet.

Antarctic Peninsula

The Escape.

The wind continued to increase in intensity outside as early evening approached. The slowly sun traversed lower in the sky as the air temperature plummeted below -25 C freezing everything inside the tent. I refreshed the forecast via the...

The South Pacific Ocean

The Storm.

The barometer had been dropping for hours, millibar by millibar, a pointing finger towards some weather event approaching from The Nanook’s stern. It was hard not to feel like prey in an alien environment, as we prepared the vessel for t...

The Southern Pacific

The Gift Of Time.

If I’m honest I felt torn this Father’s Day. I had a real reflection of all the incredible fathering I’ve had in my life, I also had a huge appreciation for the amount of time I’ve been able to put into fathering my three wonderful kids...

The Southern Pacific

The Ocean Song.

3636 Nautical Miles from Chile. We spent most of the day lolling around the Southern Ocean waiting for the impending storm we knew was inbound, guess you can say we were in, ‘The calm before the storm.’ Which if I’m being honest, is a ve...

The Southern Pacific

The Pyramid.

Welcome to Crusty's Chronicle, episode two. Having motored for some considerable time due to no wind, we are heading into Chatham Island for fuel, water and hopefully a pie. It has been a light wind day with clear skies and moderate swel...

The Southern Pacific

An Explorer's Affliction.

It’s one in the morning, the crew are asleep and I’m on skipper’s watch as we gently chugg through the infamous Cook Straight - logging our carbon output. I can see the lights of Wellington off our port bow as we approach the narrows bet...

The Southern Pacific Ocean

A Long Way From Home... And Further Still To Go.

New Zealand dawning over the horizon was a welcome sight and a big boost in morale for the crew aboard the Nanook. “We did it, we lost half of our green energy systems in the process but we made it to New Zealand.” After a gruelling 5 d...