Expedition Dispatches

Expedition Dispatches

Join the odyssey in a real-time spectacle of endurance, a testament to humanity's dance with our resplendent planet.

Live from The Nanook

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The Journal

Daily logs and observations from the dedicated crew aboard The Nanook provide a captivating glimpse into their journeys as they venture into the most remote territories of our planet.

Antarctic Peninsula

The Escape.

The wind continued to increase in intensity outside as early evening approached. The slowly sun traversed lower in the sky as the air temperature plummeted below -25 C freezing everything inside the tent. I refreshed the forecast via the...

Nelson, New Zealand

Refuge Beyond The Horizon.

‍The Nanook had stabilised after the worst of the first storm, survived the second storm, the autopilot failure, fatigue, a sundry other challenges and now we were making good headway towards the kiwi coast at last. The seas were still e...

The Tasman Sea

The Domino Effect.

After a rough night watch over a wild sea with a hint of malice in the air, the dawn yesterday was a welcome reprieve. The first golden rays bringing with it a majestic Albatross, soaring in the wind spirals off our mainsail. Watching th...

Balls Pyramid

Into the Tasman.

Sitting on deck, I look out at the moving horizon. Every single rise or abnormal cloud formation could fool you as a landmass - an island, an anchorage. I wonder how many ships sailed past Lord Howe before it was discovered. I assume mar...

Lord Howe Island

Stretch The Legs.

Welcome to Crusty's Chronicle, Episode One.‍I have to admit that when Geoff asked me to contribute to the expedition blog I was a bit nervous about the prospect of writing something that would be posted publicly. But it here it goes…‍

Tasman Sea

Reliance On Gear.

When on expeditions, success relies largely on human factors. Good team, clear communication, proactive planning and hard work.‍Once these boxes are ticked I have always made it a priority to source and utilise the worlds best in...

Tasman Sea

From The Depths.

Though it was our first morning at sea we were eager to get a line in the water, hoping for some fresh fish onboard. At Dawn, Kitale had set up a pink skirt lure off the starboard side, and the long wait began, everyone wishing for the s...